How To Practice Yoga Nidra To Gain Health, Peace & Happiness

Yoga Nidra, is also known as yogic sleep. It is a meditation and conscious relaxation practice that is intended to place you in total physical, mental, and emotional relaxation. Experts say that an hour of yoga nidra can be as restful and beneficial as four hours of regular sleep. In this blog, you will learn READ MORE >>>

How To Reduce Anxiety, Fear & Insecurity

Have you ever felt anxiety, fear or insecure and didn’t really understand why? In this blog, I will discuss one of the biggest reasons why this may be happening to you and how you can reduce anxiety, fear and insecurity and develop a greater sense of peace and stability in your life.  Of course, there READ MORE >>>

Are You In Love With Yourself?

Too many people in the world are living their lives in a state of self-hate, rather than self-love. This is a worldwide problem and one that if solved would transform the world in ways many of us can only imagine. In this blog, you’ll discover if you are in a state of self-hate and how READ MORE >>>

How To Have A Happier Healthier Life In The New Decade

Every year people make new years resolutions and vow to make the upcoming year better than the last. However, the problem with these resolutions is that they’re usually short-lived. Then, soon after the new year old habits set in and another year is lost. This year, as it’s the start of a new decade, I challenge you to make this year the best year ever by… READ MORE >>>