
21 Benefits of Yoga

In this blog, you will learn various paths and styles of yoga as well as 21 benefits of having a regular yoga practice. There are of course many more benefits than this and most of which have actually been scientifically tested but I will share with you my top 21 to inspire you to take READ MORE >>>

20 Self-Care Techniques

In this blog, you will learn about the importance of self-care, discover if you need to spend more time taking care of yourself and 20 techniques to implement that will help you relax and reduce stress, cultivate more love and compassion for yourself and help you feel happier and healthier.  When people set out on READ MORE >>>

How To Practice Yoga Nidra To Gain Health, Peace & Happiness

Yoga Nidra, is also known as yogic sleep. It is a meditation and conscious relaxation practice that is intended to place you in total physical, mental, and emotional relaxation. Experts say that an hour of yoga nidra can be as restful and beneficial as four hours of regular sleep. In this blog, you will learn READ MORE >>>