Have you ever read a book that just completely changed the way you thought about life or inspired you to make significant changes in your life?
I have read many of those books and will continue to do so.
Once of those books for me was. “The Saint, The Surfer and the CEO” by Robin Sharma. Sharma is a great author who shares lessons of personal growth through story. I find his books to be fascinating reads.
I share this book with you today because Sharma offers a great lesson and insight into how you can build a beautiful life and I want to share them with you.
Gateways To A Beautiful Life
1) The main work of every human being in inner work. Each day, do something significant to deepen yourself. To have more of the life you truly want, you must first become more of who you truly are.
2) See your life as a fantastic growth school. Everything that you experience, both good and challenging has come to you to teach you the lesson that you most needed to learn at a particular stage in your evolution as a person. Understand this truth, and keep asking yourself, “What opportunity does this person or situation represent” in terms of your personal growth. This is a great source of inner peace.
3) Be true to yourself – the best life is the authentic life. Never betray yourself. Take off your social mask and have the personal bravery to present the real you to the world. The world will be richer for it.
4) Remember that we collect what we project. Our outer lives are nothing more than a mirror image of our inner lives. Pour light on your dark side. Become aware of the false assumptions, limiting beliefs and fears that are keeping you small and your exterior world will change.
5) We see the world not as it is but as we are. Know that the truth in any given circumstance is filtered through your personal stained glass window – your personal context. Clean up the windows and you’ll clean up your life. The you’ll see the truth.
6) Live in your heart – its wisdom never lies. Follow the quiet promptings of your hearts and you’ll be led in the direction of your destiny.
7) Stand in the curiosity of your life. In surrendering control, you’ll create a space for possibilities to enter and treasures to follow.
8) Care for yourself. Do something each day to nurture your mind, body and spirit. These are essential acts of self-respect and self-love.
9) Build human connections. Dedicate yourself to deepening your bonds with the people around you/ Focus on helping others achieve their dreams and be more concerned with selfless service rather than self-gratification. You’re here to enrich this world and you betray yourself once you forget this truth.
10) Leave a legacy. The deepest longing of the human hearts is the need to live for a cause greater than itself.
Pause and breathe that all in for a moment. Visualize how different your life would be, for the better, if you followed each and every one of these guidelines.
I challenge you today to start even with just one then add another and another until each day you live and thrive by these guidelines. When you look back a year from now you will be amazed at how much your life has changed.
Visit Robin Sharma’s website to view this book and his many others.